“Building a Community of People, That’s Committed & Won’t Be Denied Living Their Life Without Limits “
Let’s Do This Together
You Were Meant For More, Everyone Deserves To Have a Great Life!
Our story starts with our patriotic belief of living our own “American Dream!” To live our life, on our own terms. “Working” to establishing ourselves into that person we desire to become. Becoming that person we were meant to be. One of our beliefs are, a person shouldn’t have to work just to survive. We should be able to have a life and not just merely exist. The repositioning of oneself is a journey, not a destination. It’s a process that we learn to develop along our way!
It was Jim Rohn where I learned, Work harder on yourself than you work on your job! Working hard on your job will earn you a living! While working hard on yourself will earn you a fortune!
“It’s Truly Possible“
“TUG, The Unemployed Genius Crusade Explained”
Contact Franklin McQuaid- (315) 591-8287 EST: Email Us At- Support@TheUnemployedGenius.com
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“The Unemployed Genius Crusade Was Built With You In Mind”
The Unemployed Genius Crusade is an untraditional life coaching personal development resource, that truly offers a person real hope, vision and new possibilities to learn and educate themselves to develop themselves into the person and life they truly would want to have.
During today’s uncertain times there seems to be so much hardship as well as confusion as to how someone could truly be able to achieve the dreams, vision and possibilities one would want to have for themselves. Most people are saying their reason they lack a vision for what they truly could have or become as an individual, is due to the lack of knowledge and finances needed to get them there. For this reason, The Unemployed Genius Crusade was formed.
The Unemployed Genius Crusade has a vision to build a community of people working together, that have one thing in common, that would be to create and develop that vision for ourselves that we won’t be denied!
We have committed ourselves and have partnered with “A Very Successful Global Life Coaching Institute Named, GreatLife Worldwide”. With their vision to help people as ourselves to grow in multiple areas in our lives, with their life coaching personal development services and resources.
An educational life coaching institute that’s structured to pay us handsomely as we share and use their services and resources to develop and reposition ourselves in multiple areas of our life. There truly isn’t any other!
A person’s number one concern (responsibility) should be to care, groom and develop themselves into that person they desire to be. It’s not just important that they do, it’s extremely vital that they would. And it isn’t that they can’t, it’s just that they feel they didn’t have the proper resources, finances and know how, up until now!
TUG, The Unemployed Genius Crusade is structured to aid a person to discover financial wellness, while becoming that person we desire to become. Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, and Yes, Even Financially! We are all about self personal management and growth.
The Worst Thing a Person Could Do Is Not Become That Person They Desire To Be!
An Interview With The Founder of GreatLife WorldWide – Grag Gunderson – Why GreatLife WorldWide?
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