A Community Is Only as Great as We Make It!
It’s an honor to have this page for one of my closes friends and mentors, Tony Pauldine! When ever you look up the word friend in the dictionary, don’t be surprised to see Tony’s picture next to it! We go back since high school. However, I knew who he was, from school, but I personally met him in December of 1985.

Tony has a great passion for what he does as a general contractor and businessman. He also has a passion for the city of Oswego, New York in which he lives.
I have watched Tony grow over the years to develop himself, and his vision for his community. I have seen him make the impossible, possible! There are many projects throughout Oswego he placed his hands on. One of them being what is known as (The Old Cahill Fishery.)
Anthony M. Pauldine General Contractor
(315) 343-6033
Tony has given downtown Oswego NY a very fresh and well needed look, by going after a dream and vision he had for himself. To say this was a challenge is far from an understatement! When Tony first started to want to purchase some of the real estate in downtown Oswego, he truly had to walk in faith. Although it may have seemed his vision and dreams were much bigger than most would want to challenge, he knew if he didn’t try, the answer would have been NO any way.

His example with grappling with the unknown set him apart from many others. Tony’s a pure example of living a dream at any cost, knowing if you don’t try, it won’t happen. Another example he has showed me is, never quit on your dreams or yourself, and don’t take no as an answer.
Other than the Cahill project, Tony has developed downtown Oswego’s west side business district to help bring more business back into the downtown area. Which has also created many jobs for many people. If you have a need for construction, give Tony a call. He would also guild you if what you are asking would be practical.

Tony’s crew has done a phenomenal job with the down town Canal Commons as well housing of the old YMCA building in Oswego.
There truly isn’t much that Tony won’t be willing to challenge if he feels he can fit the time in to get the job done. The guys he has working with him has his seal of approval. His son (Jon) also is a huge part of the company. I’ll assure you, you are in awesome care if you ever decide to bring Anthony M. Pauldine General Contracting into your project! Need work? Contact what I consider one of the best!

Anthony M. Pauldine, Owner
315-343-6033 or 315-593-9872
190 5th Ave, Oswego, NY 13126
E-mail :tpauldin@twcny.rr.com