
At GreatLife, helping you live your greatest life in all areas, your health, wellness, fitness and financial prosperity will always be our number one focus. We manufacture the highest quality, exclusive, one-of-a-kind science based nutritional products. We also offer the most searched and “most in-demand” digital products on the planet.
Income Statement: GreatLife’s totally custom compensation and rewards plan pays significantly more money than all other Companies we’ve seen. In direct comparisons with all other companies plans, including Binary’s, Matrixes, Uni-levels, in every case, GreatLife pays significantly more money with the same amount of sales volume. In fact, the highest paid networkers of all time made their money with an Unlimited Coded Generational bonus that paid 4 ways, GreatLife’s Unlimited Codes pay 8 ways. We make no claims, no guarantees of any income. Everyone’s income is based on their efforts and the efforts of their teams to build their businesses.
*GreatLife Members Receive Between 25% to 70% Off Our Exclusive One-of-a-kind Science Based Nutraceutical Formulas.
*Your $20 GreatLife membership includes (Thousands of Dollars worth) of Self-improvement Audio-books, E-books and Courses designed specifically to help you and your team improve every area of your life. Membership includes LIVE Coaching Zoom Meetings. Please note: The company has purchased all the Audio courses, E-Books and content materials and pre-loaded them into your back office library so you can access the 24/7. These are not free internet materials, the Company invested thousands of dollars here.
*Your $20 Membership Includes Your Own Built-in “Digital Products Agency” ($2,997.00 Value) Your own personalized Digital Products Agency loaded with all of our awesome Digital Lifestyle products. These digital products and services are ready for you to “Share with the World” every time you share your website. Digital Products have become almost “Half-a-Trillion” Dollar Industry in just 3 years. New York Times Financial Guru states the #1 Most Profitable Home Business Globally is “Digital Products”
Weekly Fast Start Bonus For Each Person Who You Refer to GreatLife that becomes a member for one-time $49.00, you earn a $20 Fast Start commission paid out every Friday! You can also earn up to 20% more per enrollment starting with your 3rd personal and beyond. In addition, you earn another $5.00 per each product (Nutritional & Digital) your personals purchase at enrollment. You can earn up to $70 for each new person you enroll.
Unlimited Generational Coded Bonuses are the ONLY Commissions that can pay you a higher percentage of commissions the wider and deeper you go! Every person you sponsor from your 3rd person on starts a new unlimited generational team pay line.
You earn 100% Fast Start Enrollment Coded Bonuses – Unlimited Generations Deep – Paid Weekly Directly to You: You earn up to $9 from every new person joining your generational organization, unlimited generations deep, no matter who sponsors the new members, no matter how deep they are in your organization. The coded generational bonus legs start with your 3rd personally enrolled team member and beyond. See Coded Bonus Qualifications Below:
EXAMPLE: If you have 100 new People join your coded generational team per week, no matter who sponsors them, no matter where they are, you would earn up to an extra $900 per week. If you had 1000 new people join your coded generational team per week, you would earn up to an extra $9,000 per week. There are NO LIMITS to how much you can earn with GreatLife’s Plan!
Unlimited Generational Coded Bonuses are the ONLY Commissions that can pay you a higher percentage of commissions the wider and deeper you go! You earn 100% of the codes… That pays you 10%, 20% up to 30% of 30 C/V per product unlimited generations.
You Earn 100% Weekly Fast Starts On All Products Purchased (Nutritional & Digital) By New Members At Enrollment – Coded Bonuses – Unlimited Generations Deep – Paid Directly to You: The coded bonuses are not shared bonuses… You earn up to $9 from every product purchased by new members joining your generational organization, unlimited generations deep, no matter who sponsors the new members, no matter how deep they are in your organization. The coded generational bonus legs start with your 3rd personally enrolled team member and beyond. See Coded Bonus Qualifications Below:
EXAMPLE: If you have 100 new People in Your Platinum Generations that bought 2 products each at Enrollment, you would earn an extra $1800 that week, if they bought 3 products each you would earn an extra $2700 from their Nutritional and or Digital product orders that week. 1000 people would pay you up to $27,000… 10,000 people would pay you up to $270,000 on weekly products purchased at enrollment. There are NO LIMITS to how much you can earn with GreatLife’s Plan!
You Earn 100% Monthly Coded Bonuses On All Products Purchased – Unlimited Generations Deep – Paid Directly to You: The coded bonuses are not shared bonuses… You earn up to $9 from every product purchased by members of your coded generational organization, unlimited generations deep, never blocked, no matter who sponsors these members, no matter how deep they are in your organization. The coded generational bonus legs start with your 3rd personally enrolled team member and beyond. See Coded Qualifications Below:
EXAMPLE: If you have 100 People in Your Platinum Generations that bought 2 products each, you would earn an extra $1800, if they bought 3 products each you would earn an extra $2700 from their Nutritional and or Digital product orders every month. 1000 people ordering product that month would pay you up to $27,000… 10,000 people would pay you up to $270,000 on monthly product sales. There are NO LIMITS to how much you can earn with GreatLife’s Plan!
When you lock in your position with GreatLife, you are given your own business center in our fast filling 2×16 Matrix!
As more people join GreatLife every week, they are placed in the matrix UNDER everyone who is already in there, following their enroller. The sooner you join our team and lock in your position, the higher your position will be in the matrix you’ll be placed.
You Earn Monthly Matrix Commissions on All Members, Plus… You earn on All Products purchased, Nutritional & Digital no matter who sponsors the people under you.
50% of the $20 Monthly GreatLife Life Coaching Membership Subscription is Commissionable: You can earn 3.5% thru 16 Levels. PLUS… You earn (.30 cents per product, Nutritional & Digital) thru 16 Levels in your Matrix.
The Following examples of income are calculated with each member only purchasing only (1) product! Many members may purchase (2) or more products. It’s easy to see how GreatLife pays out significantly more money than any other plan.
Earnings Per Level | Unranked | Silver | Gold | Platinum | Diamond | Int Diamond | |
1 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
2 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
3 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
4 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
5 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
6 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
7 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
8 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
9 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
10 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
11 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
12 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
13 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | ||
14 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | ||
15 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | ||
16 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | ||
Totals | $4,095.00 | $65,535.00 | $65,535.00 | $65,535.00 | $65,535.00 | $65,535.00 |
Matrix Commissions, Matching Bonuses, Product Volumes, Lifestyle Bonuses and Diamond Pools are paid Monthly on the 15th of each month for the previous month’s volume. Remember, the first month’s Membership and products purchased are paid out weekly in Fast Start Commissions. So Matrix Volumes, Product Volumes, Lifestyle Bonuses and Diamond Pools start to accumulate on Members second month in GreatLife and paid on the 15th of the following month.
Example: If you joined GreatLife in January and you have 50 Members under you in the Matrix in January, you would not earn a matrix commission for January because all of the Fast Start Commissions are paid on first month Memberships and Product Purchases. Assuming all 50 of those Members remained active in February, you would receive your first Monthly Commissions on or before March 15th for those 50 Members that have orders in February.
On top of the up to 65,535.00 or more that you can earn from memberships and product sales made in your matrix, you will also match 50% of matrix memberships from your personally enrolled members. Matching bonuses are paid monthly on Matrix memberships subscriptions (excluding products)
EXAMPLE: If you have 10 personally enrolled people who are each earning $6,000 per month from their matrix memberships, you will match 50% of what they earn from their matrix memberships. That means you will earn a $3,000 matching bonus on each of them every month, for a total of $30,000 (10 people x $3,000 each) in commissions just on those 10 people alone. And that doesn’t include what you will earn in YOUR matrix.
There is no limit as to how many people you can match, or how much you can earn in matching bonuses!
Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid out the 15th of the month following the previous month’s volume starting your SECOND MONTH, as all initial orders are paid out in Weekly Fast Start Commissions.
Earn Monthly Lifestyle Bonuses of up to $15,000 – All Your P.G.V. Volume Counts, Left side, Right side to Infinity. When You Build Your Personal Group Volume you earn down unlimited generations. Listed below are the volume requirements and the bonuses you earn:
At GreatLife we reward our partners even more by allowing you to share in the total sales of the entire company. Once you achieve Diamond rank, you will share in 1% of total company sales every month! And when you achieve International Diamond Rank, you will share in another 1% of total company sales every month!
1% split between all qualified Diamond ranked members.
1% of the total sales of all membership and product sales, nutritional & digital gets divided evenly between all qualified Diamond ranked affiliates and paid out with monthly commissions.
Example: If the company does $10m in revenue for the month between memberships and product sales, the Diamond pool would have $100,000 in it (1% of $10,000,000). If there were 10 qualified Diamond ranked Affiliates that month, each would get a $10,000 share of the pool ($100,000 divided by 10 Diamonds) on TOP of ALL other commissions!
1% split between all qualified International Diamond ranked members.
1% of the total sales of all membership and product sales, nutritional & digital gets divided evenly between all qualified International Diamond ranked affiliates and paid out with monthly commissions.
Example: If the company does $10m in revenue for the month between memberships and product sales, the International Diamond pool would have $100,000 in it (1% of $10,000,000). If there were 10 qualified international Diamond ranked Affiliates that month, each would get a $10,000 share of the pool ($100,000 divided by 10 International Diamonds) on TOP of ALL other commissions!
Every time a customer buys products (Nutritional or Digital) from your website – you earn a retail product commission of $10 per product. Plus, $4.80 per product pays to the matrix levels. That’s (.30 cents per each product) gets added to the 16 level Matrix payout. In addition, if you sell products person to person you will make the difference between the price you paid and the price you sell each product for.
Start Building Your GreatLife Business: Starting with your first personally enrolled team member, everyone you enroll is placed into and starts Filling your Matrix, starts building your Personal Group Volume, and starts your Matching Bonus legs.
*50% Matching Bonuses: Everyone you personally enroll into GreatLife starts a new 50% matching Bonus leg. You will earn a 50% Matrix Membership Matching Bonus from each of your personally enrolled team members Matrix Memberships commissions.
Personal Group Volume: (P. G. V.): Your Personal Group Volume is made up from all the C/V (commissionable volume) from all the products, nutritional and digital purchased by everyone you sponsor and everyone they sponsor, (most products have 30 C/V each) Your “Personal Group Volume” counts toward your Monthly Lifestyle Bonuses.
*Silver – Gold – Platinum – Unlimited Depth Generational Coded Bonus – Rank Advancement Qualifications:
Every time you sponsor a new GreatLife team member starting with your Third personal that starts a new “Unlimited Generational Coded Bonus Leg” Your Third and Fourth personals start Unlimited Generational Silver Code legs. Your Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eight personally enrolled members start your Unlimited Generational Gold Code Legs. Your Ninth personally enrolled member and beyond start your Unlimited Generational Platinum Coded Legs. You can start and build as many Unlimited Generational Coded Bonus Legs as you want.
Silver Coded Bonuses: You qualify for Silver Coded Unlimited Depth Generational Bonuses as soon as you have Three personally sponsored GreatLife Team Members and you have 30 C/V in personal volume, either you order 30 C/V (one product or more) or you have 30 C/V (personal customers buying 30 C/V or more) That qualifies you to earn unlimited depth Generational Silver Coded Bonuses.
Gold Coded Bonuses: You qualify for Gold Coded Unlimited Depth Generational Bonuses as soon as you have Five personally sponsored GreatLife Team Members and you have 60 C/V in personal volume, either you order 60 C/V (two products or more) or you have 60 C/V (personal customers buying 60 C/V or more) That qualifies you to earn unlimited depth Generational Gold Coded Bonuses.
Platinum Coded Bonuses: You qualify for Platinum Coded Unlimited Depth Generational Bonuses as soon as you have Nine personally sponsored GreatLife Team Members and you have 90 C/V in personal volume, either you order 90 C/V (three products or more) or you have 90 C/V (personal customers buying 90 C/V or more) That qualifies you to earn unlimited depth Generational Platinum Coded Bonuses.